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In 2011, Negovan released By Popular Demand, a vinyl-only fully analog release recorded wholly without electricity on a 19th century machine created by Thomas Edison, and gave a TEDx talk on its creation. Negovan was the first person since 1924 to record and release a song on the world's first recording and playback medium, wax cylinder.


Praise for By Popular Demand:


“Truly unusual and genuinely compelling.”



“Like scratchy field recordings gathered from dreams… Unique and soulful.”​ 

- David J

(founder of the bands Bauhaus,

Love & Rockets)


"Terry Gilliam describes the inspiration for his masterpiece Brazil - sitting on the chemical blackened beach of Port Talbot in the late '70's, imagining tuning into long wave broadcasts of vaguely familiar songs on his rusty wireless. Well, this is what he would have heard- Negovan's voice sounding like dust, tunes out of time, the ethereal humanness missing from the plastic perfection of the digital world."​ 

- Dave McKean

(director and legendary artist of

The Sandman, Arkham Asylum)


records available here.

© 2023 Thomas Negovan. Tintype photography by Greg Martin.

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